Laura Caraballo (Argentina)

Laura Caraballo ( born in Buenos Aires) is a curator, researcher, and teacher that currently lives in Paris. In Argentina, she first acquired a solid training in the history of visual arts. She joined the Chair of History of Media and Contemporary Communication Systems in UNLP, and spent four years teaching visual communication and cultural industries. Pursuing her research on comics and its visual qualities, she defended her Ph.D. thesis in Esthetics on Alberto Breccia’s visual work in comics, at the Paris Ouest University in 2016. She transposed her research work into exhibition format when she co-curated three Alberto Breccia original boards exhibitions in BD Colomiers festival, Pulp Festival, France, and in the CNB in Buenos Aires. In the contemporary art field, she co-curated the collective exhibition “Briser la glace” at Le Magasin CNAP in Grenoble. Always interested in confluences of comics and contemporary art, she currently works on trans-feminist activism and self-publishing in Argentina. She is an associated researcher and teacher in the Angoulême EESI and postdoctoral researcher in Bordeaux Montaigne University.