David Desrimais (France)

David Desrimais is a publisher and a digital expert based in Paris, France.
Founder and director of JBE Books (Jean Boîte Éditions, since 2011), he publishes books in the digital age, in the fields of arts, humanities and poetics. Conceived hand-in-hand with worldwide artists and authors, all the books are shaped for International distribution (now in 15 countries). In the academic field, David Desrimais is committed to several programs and diplomas for the teaching of Editorial Creation in the 21st Century. He notably intervenes at Duperré (Paris) and at the University Clermont Auvergne (UCA) where he co-directed from 2016 to 2022 as associate professor and associate researcher the Master’s degree in Publishing (CELJG). Former Head of Digital Projects for the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain (2007-2017), David Desrimais regularly works as an expert and director of digital projects for cultural and scientific institutions, as well as for private clients (Mobilier national, IDDRI-Sciences Po, Mairie de Paris, Cartier, Google Arts & Culture…).