The workshop on gender and comics is basically to take people through different images, that Aarthi has collected for here research project and at each image, stop to have a discussion, as well as a visual/written reaction. We could engage in detail with each piece of representation, and have a conversation about it. Then we would either note down our observations on context, character, creator to understand why that image exists in that way, or re-imagine/ re-write that image.
The workshop will be held in English and is free of charge. Let us know in advance if you would like translating assistance in French or German.
Workshop by
Aarthi Parthasarathy (India)
Date: Thursday 11th, April 2019
Time: 14.00 – 16.00
Location: The Phrontistery
Address: Löwenpl. 6, 6004 Luzern, Switzerland